Students – HOW DO I APPLY?
LEAD Conference Dates October 12 & 13, 2024
If you are an 8th grade student and have been selected to participate in LEAD you must follow the steps below to complete the application process.
1. Please read all instructions and review the Student Application below before beginning.
2. You must be able to attend both days of the LEAD conference (see dates above and check your personal and family calendars).
3. Make sure that your parents are present and that you are working on a computer with a connection to the Internet.
4. Fill in all the information in the “About You” section.
6. A parent or guardian must add their signature (simply place the cursor in the box provided and hold down the select button to use the mouse to sign) and add the date.
7. Click on “Submit.”
8. If required information is missing, please add it and click on “Submit.”
9. A LEAD representative will contact you with additional information about LEAD including the bus transportation schedule, camp rules, emergency contact phone numbers, etc.
11. NOTICE: Due to Covid, the San Diego County Office of Education requires every Student who will attend LEAD at Cuyamaca Outdoor School to be free of any symptoms of illness. If symptoms develop while at LEAD, a parent or guardian must be available during both days of LEAD to pick up their student and take them home.